Thursday, October 20, 2011

You mean there is a way to get the smile I've always wanted?

 You mean, there is a way to get the smile I've always wanted?

If you are disappointed with your teeth, have neglected them, they are worn or discolored, or they are just plain not what you've hoped for, this can all be changed by a high tech smile makeover.

Creating a new smile with porcelain veneers can give you the smile of your dreams. The technology behind them often makes veneers the solution to many cosmetic problems, from a single tooth to an entire smile.

Veneers are thin, custom-made surfaces for your teeth. Veneers are made from laying porcelains to change the appearance of each tooth. They can be created in a shade and shape chosen to match your own teeth, or to change it to create the smile you have always wanted.

Veneers are part of "Smile Design" that helps to create a naturally beautiful smile. Smile design addresses the appearance of your teeth, gums, lips position and structures of your face that are affected by your smile.

We have provided excellent porcelain veneer technology for decades, and we have seen how profoundly it has improved the appearance of our patients. Smiles instantly grow larger. We have also learned from our patients how profoundly veneers have heightened their self esteem and increased their confidence.

 If you have considers investigating the possibility of veneers, we suggest you visit our smile galley or speak with us about details.

Dentistry In Philadelphia | Drs. Steinberg and Weger
1628 Spruce Street | Philadelphia, PA 19103

The patient above replaced her old composite bonding
with a new set of beautiful veneers.

To see more patient testimonials visit our Facebook page:

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